The problem is that our ideas have too often been left scattered in our minds. We haven't been able to collect them, sift through them and see their connections and evolutions; we haven't had the time or encouragement to consider what each one is telling us and how they all stack up together.

The School of Life — A Job to Love | Obstacles to Having Goals

I. Process

Brief & Problem Definition

A product that enables people to perceive and record their emotions and thoughts at the workplace.


I started with some research on emotions at work, existing taxonomy of emotion and found the most interesting in content by the Yale Emotional Intelligence Institute.


Emotions at work

Study about emotions at work (1000 participants).

Study about emotions at work (1000 participants).

Atlas of emotions

The Atlas of Emotions. Supported by the Dalia Lama.

The Atlas of Emotions. Supported by the Dalia Lama.